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Hunter Nutrition Logo with grain building and laurel leaves that says The Program that Performs!

Sheep Mineral and Micro Premixes

Sheep Mineral and Micro Premixes


Our own High Selenium, Free Choice Mineral formulated just for sheep. It contains molybdenum to prevent copper toxicity and it is made without any added copper. Contains 27% Salt, 18% Calcium, 9% Phosphorus, Macro Minerals, Trace Minerals, Iodine, and Selenium. Each 3/4th’s of an ounce of our sheep mineral contains the maximum selenium level allowed by the FDA, at 0.70 mg. (This is an increase as our previous level was 0.70 mg selenium per 1 ounce of mineral.)

This level of Selenium is higher than other competitor’s free choice mineral. Our higher levels of zinc and iron are important for maintaining high growth rates, preventing anemia, and increasing resistance to disease. To prevent goiter and to aid in improvement of reproductive efficiency, Iodine is included at the correct level. In 2013 we increased our Zinc and Manganese to 1200 ppm each in all versions of Sheep Mineral. Zinc plays a major role in animal health in general, and is important in maintaining hoof health, strength, and function. Manganese is important to reproductive performance. Inadequate Manganese causes delayed estrus and reduced conception rates. All versions of Sheep Mineral contain Magnesium, Potassium, Sulfur, and Cobolt.

Many competing products, especially the high salt mixes lack magnesium and potassium. Ewes typically consume 1/2 to 1 ounce of mineral per day, or approximately 17# per year, equaling a cost/ ewe/ year of $7.23. No additional salt is needed. Sheep Mineral contains no vitamins because during maintenance and early gestation, the ewe’s vitamin needs are fulfilled by the forage in the diet. However in late gestation and lactation the diet will need to be supplemented with our 45% Ewe Supplement or Ewe 60 Premix, which will provide the extra vitamins required by the ewe at these stages of production.

#501500 - 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 29.82


Similar to our other free choice mineral, except that this contains Decoquinate for the prevention and control of coccidiosis. Should be fed for 40 days pre–lambing to ewes as a means of cleaning up the adults of cocci. This will greatly reduce the level of cocci in the lambing environment, enabling the young lambs to avoid performance–reducing infections at a young age. A feeding level of one ounce/day of mineral provides 22.7 mg/100 lb of body weight of deccox.

#501500D — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 36.10


The same formulation as our regular free choice sheep mineral, but with added vitamins. Feeding 1 ounce of mineral per day provides 30 IU of Vitamin E and additional levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin D not offered by other companies mineral formulations.

#501499 — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 31.28


A free choice mineral product designed for breeding rams and lambs on feed who should not get any dical (phosphorous). Excessive phosphorous can cause urinary calculi (kidney stones) in male animals. No Phosphorous Sheep Mineral contains the selenium and trace mineral levels of our standard Sheep Mineral products, but with zero phosphorous. It’s okay for breeding rams to be exposed to Sheep Mineral (standard) while with the ewe flock during breeding time. However after the ewes are bred, rams should be separated from the flock and fed No Phosphorous Sheep Mineral as their free choice mineral. This is also the product of choice for lambs on feed and in any situation where phosphorous is not desired.

Calcium 26.00%, Salt 27.00%, Phosphorous 0.00%, Selenium 33 ppm, + Trace Minerals

#501498 — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 16.72

SHEEP MINERAL W/RABON© (fly control)

Similar to Sheep Mineral, with added Rabon® an oral larvicide; which is fed 30 days prior to fly season. The oral larvicide goes thru the animal into its manure, when fly eggs hatch in this manure, the larvae are killed by the oral larvicide. Special Order / Seasonal Item

#501500 R — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 35.59


Sheep Premix 200 is used at the rate of 200 lbs. per ton of Free Choice Sheep Mineral. For small batches use 10# of this premix to make 100 # of your own free choice sheep mineral. This premix was created after numerous customer requests for a way to make a good free choice sheep mineral, and avoid having to ship in #501500 Sheep Mineral. We do have excellent common carrier rates on shipping pallets of sheep mineral to distant locations. However if this just doesn’t work and you are confident of your mixing abilities this premix could be your answer. Sheep Premix 200 is used with your local salt and minerals to make a sheep mineral for free choice feeding. Sheep Premix 200 provides magnesium, potassium, sulfur, selenium, iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, & cobalt, all at optimum levels, along with some calcium as carrier.

#50006-10 — 10#
Ship wt. 11 lbs.
$ 20.01
#50006-50 — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 66.04
Formula for making Free Choice Sheep Mineral using Sheep Premix 200. 100# 2000#
Dicalcium Phosphate (18.5% Phosphorous) 50 1000
Limestone (granular-calcium carbonate 38% Ca) 15 300
Salt, white mixing 25 500
Sheep Premix 200 10 200
Total: 100 lbs. 2000 lbs.
Phosphorous 9.25%
Calcium 19.40%
Salt 25.00%
Selenium 0.70 mg per ounce


FAR AWAY? – Yes, you can still get your flock on our feeding program.

Low Inclusion Micro–Premixes are the best way to get the advantages of the Hunter Nutrition Sheep Feeding Program to our distant clients. For flocks where shipping costs are prohibitive on standard products we have micro-premixes. These 10 lb premixes are easy to use and are tailored for a specific use. Ewe 10 B Premix and Lamb 10 B Premix are used at ten pounds per ton of feed. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements, selenium, and bovatec. Use these with your locally available grains, protein source, limestone, and salt. The low shipping costs on a 10 # product which will make an entire ton of finished feed allows flocks across the country to benefit from our highly fortified sheep feeding program. We also have a premix for making your own free choice mineral - Sheep Premix 200.